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Five insurances and one fund, annual salary increase, paid annual leave, quarterly/heatstroke prevention/holiday benefits, customized tooling, warmth fund, leisure travel, annual health check-up, group building and other recreational and sports activities, staff apartments, welfare canteens...

The perfect "teacher and apprentice" training system will light up the direction for you who are new to the workplace.

Sound personnel training, promotion mechanism, for your career development to provide a broad space


Contact: Liu Lu

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Tel: 0310-5378308 18603105058 (WeChat)

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R & D Project Supervisor

Academic Requirements: Doctor

Related majors: chemical chemistry, food, biology, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, animal medicine, animal husbandry, animal nutrition and feed, etc.

R & D experimenter

Education requirements: 985, 211 bachelor and master

Chemical chemistry, food, biology, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, pesticide, animal nutrition and feed, animal medicine, animal husbandry, agronomy and seed industry, etc.


Education requirements: one and above

Related majors: chemical chemistry, food, biology, pharmacy and other related majors.

Financial Commissioner

Education requirements: one and above

Related majors: financial management, accounting finance, taxation, auditing, statistics, etc., can be transferred to domestic and foreign subsidiaries is preferred.


Education requirements: Bachelor degree or above

Related majors: e-commerce, marketing, business administration, pharmaceutical engineering, etc., love marketing, outstanding professionals are not limited.

Foreign trade salesman

Education requirements: Bachelor degree or above

Related majors: international economics and trade, English, business English and other related majors, good at communication, English listening and speaking skills are not limited to majors.

Production Process Technician

Education requirements: two or more degrees

Related majors: biotechnology, environmental engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, chemical engineering and technology, etc.

Functions \Accounting \Internal Affairs Commissioner

Education requirements: one and above

Related majors: business administration, human resource management, mathematics, statistics, computer, etc......

Information Commissioner

Education requirements: Bachelor degree or above

Related majors: computer, software engineering, communication engineering, big data, digitization and other related majors.

Overseas subsidiary agricultural technician

Education requirements: one and above

Related majors: plant protection, horticulture, agronomy, crop science, modern agricultural technology, pesticide science and other related majors. Those who can go to overseas subsidiaries to exercise and improve are preferred.