Our company donated 3000 boxes of yogurt to the front line of anti epidemic

On April 30, 2022, our company donated 3000 boxes of JUNLEBAO yogurt to Quzhou county epidemic prevention workers who are fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention.




As a high-tech listed enterprise headquartered in Quzhou County, our company, in the process of development, did not forget to devote itself to public welfare undertakings, actively fulfilled the social responsibility obligations of the enterprise, donated teaching assistants and disaster relief donations for many times, and contributed its part to the development of social undertakings such as transportation, urban construction, fire control and culture in Quzhou. During the COVID-19 alone, we donated tens of millions of yuan of anti epidemic materials to the society.

At the donation site, Zheng Xintao, manager of the company's administrative department, said that in order to protect the health and safety of the people in the county, the anti epidemic personnel took pains to stick to the front line, which was really touching. Donate this batch of yogurt to them to express our gratitude and wish us to work together to overcome the epidemic and restore normal production and living order as soon as possible