CCGB online detection technology solution collection

1、 Demand trigger point
In order to promote the digital transformation, CCGB has built an online detection platform and solicited online detection technology solutions from enterprises, institutions of higher learning, research institutions and other social stakeholders with certain R & D capabilities.
2、 Specific needs

Online detection problems 

Specific Requirement

How to take samples during online detection of solvent residues?

What kind of instrument to choose?

>Design a sampling scheme for online detection of solvent residues

> be able to measure one or more solvent residues online and quickly during the concentration of water-soluble products and oil-soluble products.

> The minimum detection limit of solvent residue is about 20ppm.

How to choose the wavelength when the optical fiber spectrometer is used to detect the complex liquid in the process?

The service life of light source is too short, the cost of online detection is high, and the problem of light source selection?

>For the purpose of relevant material liquid detection, it can be used as the basis for wavelength selection.

>Provide light source with long service life and high cost performance.


3、 Contact information

Contact: Shi Wenjie

Tel: 18603205973

Headquarters location: No.1 Chenguang Road, Quzhou County, Handan City, Hebei Province